Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Flowers Make Me SO Happy!

I can't believe I am such a flower freak!

I have been the biggest crab lately. Stress and a toothache do not mix well. One day a couple weeks ago I saw a landscaping truck carrying the most BEAUTIFUL Hydrangea plants. Instant smiles were beaming across my face. Is it possible for a potted plant to cause such happiness! It was then that I remembered how much I LOVE having flowers in the yard.

I spent a day renewing my front yard and my withered spirit. It only took $80, 2 Large potted Hydrangeas, 1 potted delphinium, 1 new rose bush, 8 pink geraniums, and 2 flats of purple petunias.

Kirt even gave me a Lowe's card so I could buy more! I moved the porch swing to the front yard so I could sit under the tree and see my flowers. We finally put the trampoline in the side yard...now I have what I call "Swing Therapy".
And it's wonderful! I love to sit in my swing and watch Amanda jump on the trampoline and take in the beautiful flowers. The weather has been so nice...aside from a few windy days.
Its definately my favorite time of year!


The Tall Girl Cooks said...

I didn't know you could grow hydrangeas in Arizona! I've missed those flowers - they are proliferate in Georgia. At some point we are going to have to come visit and see this little oasis you have created!

Unknown said...

The hydrangeas are enough to make a girl drool for sure! They are absolutely gorgeous sis! Yet one more thing for me to be jealous about! Are you going to try for three now? lol